In a year unlike any other we’ve seen, MCHS has been a constant source of hope and love for children and families who needed us most. Even despite the enormous challenges of COVID, we didn’t go anywhere. Yet, we knew we couldn’t do it alone. As much as our community needed us, we needed our community to get through one of the most challenging years we’ve faced.
That’s why as we look towards our future, we ask for your continued support. Please consider supporting our mission, our children and our families. Because in doing so, you ensure that whatever challenges we face, whatever crisis our community endures, we will be there.
Methodist Children's Home Society needs your support to ensure we can continue our efforts. Here are a few ways YOU can make a difference:
$100 Provides a local family experiencing diaper insecurity with a one-month supply through our Detroit Resource Center.
$250 Provides one student at Fostering Leadership Academy with the necessary virtual learning equipment needed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
$500 Provides a child in our Residential Treatment program with MCHS essential services including around-the-clock care, housing, meals, therapy and education for a brighter future ahead.
$1,000 Supports a young mother and her children in our Teen Infant Parenting Service (TIPS) program with housing, clothing, food and support on her journey toward stability and independence.
Thank you for your contribution! For questions, contact Chief Development Officer Kathryn Woodstock at (313) 531-9969 or kwoodstock@mchsmi.org.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
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We appreciate your generous support. It will be put to work immediately to create lasting change.
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